Workout Tips For Women


It’s become common for many women to incorporate weights into their routines. Of course, some take a more hardcore approach and train full-out for Bodybuilding, Powerlifting, or Olympic lifting. In this article, Workout Tips For Women, we focus on women who may have avoided using weights in the past. There’s no reason to, and as you continue to read, we’ll explain why and provide a sample routine with 5% supplement suggestions.

Define Your Goals

Of course, the first priority is to clarify your goals. Are you interested in losing fat? Perhaps you’d like to achieve a “toned” physique, or maybe get a little stronger? Or, you may be interested in fitness. As noted, many women have a more hardcore perspective. While many women train like that, other women simply train to get fit. Whatever your goals, adding weight lifting to your program can make a big difference.

It’s Time To Lift Weights!

Let’s clear up some misconceptions right away. First, lifting weights will not automatically make you look “bulky”. Why? The primary reason is that women have less natural testosterone than men. That means that men can build muscle more quickly than women. Therefore, unless you take drastic measures to develop a bodybuilding physique, lifting weights will improve functional strength, fitness, and support fat loss. 

What Is “Toning” Anyway?

Secondly, forget the idea of “toning”. Muscles get bigger or (god forbid) get smaller, they don’t “tone”. Think of what being “toned” means - lean, defined with muscle shape but not a lot of size. The “toned” look is actually a combination of losing fat and building a little muscle.(1)

Training For Functional Strength

As noted, lifting weights promotes functional strength. That’s the type of strength that translates to your day to day life and obligations. That’s true whether you’re lifting free weights, using machines, dumbbells, kettlebells, or a combination of all. Add a weight lifting program to your exercise regimen. Why? Because you can make your life easier by gaining the physical strength needed to tackle life’s daily tasks.

Include Cardio

Cardio should be done regardless of your goals. Of course, if your primary goal is fat loss, then you will do more cardio. Otherwise, cardio supports overall fitness and helps you stay lean. It can be a walking (or jogging) track, outdoor walking or hiking, swimming, the treadmill, bike, or elliptical, the choice is yours. Cardio exercise supports health and helps you get the look you want.

Sample Routine

This is an example routine that consists of cardio and a full-body resistance training program. It’s a great place to start if you’ve decided to add weights to your workout. Of course, you can tailor a routine to fit your specific goals. For example, most bodybuilders will choose to follow a 3 or 4-day split routine. Powerlifters will do the same, focusing each workout on one of the powerlifting lifts. Olympic lifters will tailor their workouts around each lift. 

All exercises are 3 sets x 12 - 15 reps. Rest for 1-2 minutes in-between sets. 

  • Goblet Squats - (dumbbell or kettlebell)
  • Kettlebell Swings
  • Chest Press (dumbbells or machine) 
  • Dumbbell Shoulder Press (or Shoulder Press machine)
  • Tricep Kickbacks
  • Seated Cable Rows
  • Bicep Curls (EZ bar, dumbbells, or machine)
  • Twists using a dumbbell, kettlebell, or bodyweight.

Use a moderate weight that allows you to reach the listed rep range without struggling too hard. Your last 1-2 reps should be difficult. 

HIIT Bodyweight Cardio Circuit 

Rest a few minutes, and get right to it. No equipment is needed.

Perform 3 rounds x 12 - 15 of each:

  • Burpees
  • Bodyweight Squats
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Knee to Elbow Raises
  • Crunches
  • 20 minutes treadmill, bike, or elliptical. 

When you are done, have a post-workout shake (such as Shake Time mixed with Real Carbs).

Don’t Forget 5% Nutrition!

When it comes to supplements for all experience levels, 5% Nutrition has the products that can help you hit your goals. From pre-workouts like Kill It to Code Red PRE, to Shake Time protein powder, we have it all. There are Real Carbs, All Day You May, and so much more such as  Digestive Defender that helps your body make maximal use of your macronutrients and 5% real food-based supplements. Don't train without the ultimate training partner - stop by and stock up today!


1. Handelsman, D. J., Hirschberg, A. L., & Bermon, S. (2018). Circulating Testosterone as the Hormonal Basis of Sex Differences in Athletic Performance. Endocrine reviews, 39(5), 803–829.

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