How To Survive The Holidays

How To Survive The Holidays

Thanksgiving is getting pretty close, and that typically begins the rush of holiday parties and family events. Of course, they all include a lot of eating, and most of the food is something less than healthy. If you’re a serious bodybuilder, athlete, or fitness enthusiast who does not want to gain fat weight, you need to Know How To Survive The Holidays. Of course, 5% Nutrition has the answer! Here’s the tips you need to know!

Have A Healthy Snack Before Attending Holiday Events

One of the best ways to put a limit on how much you eat is to have a small snack before you attend any holiday events. Choose a high-protein, low-carb snack such as a 5% Nutrition Shake Time protein shake, some sliced cheese, or lean sliced deli meat. This will take the edge off your hunger and help you control your eating while you enjoy your event.

Focus On Protein

When you have your holiday meal, focus on protein. Of course, it’s the most important macronutrient, especially if muscle growth or muscle maintenance is your primary goal. Build your meal around your protein choices. The protein has a stabilizing effect on your blood sugar and helps you feel “full” sooner. That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy carbs and desserts, just do it in moderation.

Stay Active

You know how important it is to stay active if you’re a 5%er. You know you need to stay as active as you can during the holidays. While it’s true, you can’t out-train a bad diet, but you still want to burn as many calories as you can. This concept is part of how to survive the holidays. All you really need to do is add more time to your current cardio program. That might mean adding extra time to a session or 2 or adding several extra 30-minute sessions per week.

Stay Hydrated!

Besides keeping you feeling your best, staying hydrated helps flush excess sodium. The excess sodium causes water retention, making you feel bloated and look bigger (not in a good way). The best way to get rid of that is to drink lots of water. You can also use a diuretic like Stage Ready, which helps you quickly flush out all that excess.

Use Digestive Defender & Freak Show

Finally, adding 5% Nutrition Digestive Defender to your program makes a lot of sense. This innovative digestive enzyme and probiotic formula eases the demand on your digestive system and helps you fully digest your meals. If you know you’ll most likely be eating a lot of carbs, add Freak Show to your arsenal. Taken with your 2 highest-carb meals of the day, Freak Show can put those excess carbs to good use.

If You Overeat, Don’t Worry & Move On

It makes sense to eat slowly and choose moderate portions. Try not to stretch out your stomach. However, if you overeat, don’t beat yourself up about it. Just continue to follow the tips presented here and move on.


Chances are, you’ll be attending quite a few events. That’s OK, after all, the holidays are a time for celebration and that always includes a lot of unhealthy meals. By following these tips on How To Survive The Holidays, you can enjoy yourself AND those delicious holiday meals!

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