The Arnold Press - Another Classic Exercise


Overhead Presses are a compound exercise that many lifters feel is an essential part of shoulder training. Rich Piana had a different take on them. He felt they worked the front deltoids too much, creating an imbalance among the 3 deltoid heads. Not that he didn’t advise doing them, he just didn’t see them as critical. The Arnold Press, created by Arnold himself, solves this problem. Arnold saw the same shortcoming that Rich did and created a variation that hit all 3 heads. No wonder the Arnold Press is another classic exercise!

What Is The Arnold Press

As noted, the Arnold Press is a classic shoulder exercise invented by Arnold himself. It’s different from the ordinary Overhead Dumbbell Press because of its unique wrist rotation. This rotation allows activation of the front, side, and rear deltoids. 

Muscles Worked

The regular Overhead Press works primarily the front deltoids, traps, triceps, and upper chest. The Arnold Press works all 3 deltoid heads, the traps, and the triceps. Studies have suggested that the Arnold Press is more effective than the standard Overhead Dumbbell Press.(1)

Let’s Review The Technique

Begin this exercise the way you would a regular Overhead Press with dumbbells, except your palms are facing you. As you press up from this palms-in position, rotate the dumbbells so your palms are facing out by the time you reach the top of the movement. Then, reverse the motion on the way back to the start position.

How To Work It Into Your Routine

Here’s an example of how Rich would have used the Arnold Press in his routine.

Arnold Press  - 5 sets - 20, 15, 12, 10, 8 reps

Use a moderate weight on this exercise. 

Side Laterals - 5 sets - 25, 20, 15, 12, 10 reps

Use a moderate weight and go for a great pump. 

Rear Laterals - 5 sets - 25, 20, 15, 12, 10 reps

Use the same weight you used for Side Laterals.

Shrugs - 5 sets - 20, 15, 12, 10, 8 reps

Rich liked to do these using a Smith machine. You can also do these with an EZ bar, an Olympic bar, or dumbbells.  

Haney (Behind the Back) Shrugs - 5 sets - 20, 15, 12, 10, 8 reps

Just like the Arnold Press was made famous by Arnold, 8x Mr. O Lee Haney made this exercise famous. While the range of motion is limited, it hits the traps differently.

Don’t Forget 5% Nutrition!

As you know, Rich believed in training with moderate weights and higher reps to get a good pump. Several great 5% Nutrition supplements will amplify that. Start with Full As F*ck. It’s a stim-free pump pre-workout, so you can stack it with any of our other pre-workouts. For example, stack it with Kill It RTD and get ready for insane water-based as well as nitric oxide pumps. It also has a huge 400 mg of caffeine! Take it even further by adding Core L-Citrulline 3000 and Core Creatine Monohydrate. 

Building muscle is all about protein, and we have the right choice for you. First of all, there’s Shake Time, our real-food protein powder. There’s also Real Carbs + Protein, which is perfect for pre and post-workout. From there, you have a wide range of great muscle-building choices, such as TEST Test Booster. Stack it with Core D-Aspartic Acid and Core ZMA, and you have a great muscle-building Stack. 5% Nutrition has the supplements you need!


  1. Raizada, Shiny & Bagchi, Amritashish. (2017). Comparison among the EMG Activity of the Anterior Deltoid and Medial Deltoid During Two Variations of Dumbbell Shoulder Press Exercise. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 8. 653. 10.5958/0976-5506.2017.00411.9
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